On multiple occasions I’ve mentioned that I’m a huge Steinberg fan. Since the time I started using Cubase and then upgraded to Nuendo, I’ve hardly felt comfortable in any other DAW, despite having to use most of them due to professional setups. Getting to know the journey of Charlie Steinberg and Manfred Reurup is so inspiring! Anniversary Interview with Co-Founders of Steinberg | Steinberg
Having a musician as a co-founder to try out the products & share feedback, along with smart developers who would translate ideas into tangible tools — what a perfect setup! Plus VST really made a huge upgrade to the audio industry, making audio plugins a sub-industry of its own.
This story is for every single music tech enthusiast. 2 quotes from Charlie Steinberg that can sum up the AI world in some way as well:
- “As I mentioned, computer music started out with text input, imagine that.”
- “Creativity is something more cultural than technological”
Congratulations Team Steinberg on 40 superb years!
PS: Seeing lua scripting in Dorico, I have a hunch that it would also be coming to Cubase & Nuendo. Really hope this comes true