Connecting Controller to DAW and Synth


In my workspace, I have a Synth ( PSR-A3000), a Foot Controller ( MCF10 Yamaha), and DAW ( Cubase 10 on MacOS Mojave). I am not sure how I am going to contact these? I have a USB-MIDI UM-2EX with two 5-pin DIN outs and 1 5-pin DIN in ports.

If I use the setup at the top of the image below, then I guess I need to buy an active merger which requires a batter.

However, if I set it up as the one at the button ( that I am not sure if it works!), I have mutual connection with only one USB connection to my DAW. But not sure if the Thru port of USB-MIDI cable would transfer the MIDI messages for DAW to my Synth.

Are these two diagrams are correct? Any better solutions please?

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Don’t think so complicated. :slight_smile: It all depends on if you want the MCF10 to control your synth PSR-A3000 outside your DAW? If so you need to connect it to the midi in of your PSR-A3000. If you’re mainly going to use both with your DAW it’s advisable to connect it to your UM-2EX interface. That way you can always control your PSR-A3000 through your DAW but you can also configure it as a separate controller within your DAW that can be used to control other external synths and/or VST’s?