Connecting UR816 and UR824 in Elements 11


By: Ray Barela,

Steinberg Elements 11 Hardware Connection for both UR816 and UR824

PC Hardware: Note its recommended that a High-Powered PC is necessary.

My PC setup:

PC Intel i9-9900K 8 core 16 treads

G. Skull Trident Z Neo 16 32Mhz

M.2 1TB NVMe

GPU GeForce GTX 1660 TI Gamming X64

Audio Interface
In this document you will find setup information on the connection of Steinberg Hardware UR816 and UR824 for the purpose on adding additional channels for recording within Steinberg Elements 11.

The concept here is that the UR816 is the Master Device and the UR824 is the Slave Device.

Driver: Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver 2.04-7.1 MB found on the Steinberg Site.

Connections: Connect ADAT Cable from your Master Device UR816 (ADAT Out A) to your Slave Device UR824 (ADAT Input A). Connect USB cable from your Master device (UR816) to your computers USB.

The reason I used the UR816 as a Master Device was due to easy access to 4 instrument inputs on the front panel. The UR824 only has two front panel inputs and any additional instrument inputs must be connected at rear of both the UR816 and UR824. Dependent on your recording needs you will make your own connections as needed. Currently my studio recording includes the Following:

UR816 (Master)
Chanel 1: MOOG SUB-harmonicon
Chanel 2: MOOG Mother 32
Chanel 3: MOOG Mother 32
Chanel 4: MOOG DFAM
Chanel 6: MOOG Matriarch Left
Chanel 7: MOOG Matriarch Right
Chanel 8: MOOG CV37

UR824 (Slave)
Chanel 1: (ADAT 1): Guitar Rhythm
Chanel 2: (ADAT 2): MOOG CV37
Chanel 3: (ADAT 3) Lead Guitar

Setup Screens on PC
DSPMix Setup

The UR816 DSPMix screen shows signal in green, notice ADAT1 and ADAT2 for the UR824. On the DSPMix Setup screen you should see Driver UR816. The DSPMix shows Steinberg USB Driver.

Go to the Steinberg Elements 11 “Preferences” Setup Window should show USB device. Check in Windows 11 for USB816 Driver working properly.

Setup your tracks.
Steinberg Elements 11 Audio Connection (Inputs Setup).
Steinberg Elements 11 Audio Connection (Outputs Setup).

By: Ray Barela,


Thanks for documenting this for everyone. Greatly appreciated!

Thanks for the feedback. I have the document with screen shots which I can provide. I am wanting to upload.

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