Consistent sizes of dynamic, staff text, expressions etc

Hi, trying to understand how can I keep all the staff text consistent. If I add a suffix to the dynamic (for example FF marcato) marcato appears as italic in size of 10.0 (correct me if I wrong - I found it under Font style-Dynamic Text Font). If I add Text (cmd+X) and set it manually to 10.0, it is much bigger then this suffix. When I write for some instrument “solo” I would like to have a same size as pizz. or ord. but how can I check a size of pizz.? Instead of writing music, I keep jumping between Font, Paragraph, Charakter styles in order to find what is what for.

Could you tel me please - how do you keep all these sizes of something like esspresivo, morendo, dolce, solo, simile in your scores consistent? Same size? Do you write all these entries as a text with cmd+X each time adjusting their size or playing with regular or italic? Cannot find a way to work quick, easy and systematicaly…

Are all these font/paragraph styles also set to the same relative size? I.e. are their sizes “absolute” (always the set font size, regardless of the staff size) or “staff-relative” (appearing larger when staves are larger, and smaller when staves are smaller)?

You can also optionally create custom playing techniques for directions you use regularly like “solo”, which you can set to use the same font style as other text playing techniques. These can have an impact on playback though, depending on the playback technique they are set to use.

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As Lillie says, your styles need to match, either absolute or staff-relative.

In the screenshot below, I set the Dynamic Text Font and staff text entry both to 10-pt absolute, and superimposed them on one another. You can see they’re identical!

Thank you both for your replay. Ir was very helpful:)