Constant crashes in Cubase 13.0.30?

Anyone else having constant crashes in Cubase 13.0.30?
Just happens out of no where.
MacStudio 2023 / M2 Max / Sonoma 14.4.1 here


What exactly do you mean, please? When is CUbase crashing? What did you do? What were the last steps?

Could you attach the *.ips file, please?

Mac: macOS Console utility > Crash Reports (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).

I’m just working. In the middle of even listening to a song it’ll just crash/quit Cubase. Crash Reports in Console doesn’t show anything from today, even though it’s probably crashed at least 10 times today.

On w11 with a solid PC, I encounter crashes in various situations : related to plugins usage (plugins not leading to crash with v12) , to grid warping (even in v12), to midi remote.
Hard to be sure that Cubase is at the origin of the crash.
With a custom midi remote not behaving correctly, Cubase started to crash on its start and I had to restart it choosing to keep actual preferences to have it ending correctly its startup on this second try ??? I fixed the midi remote device and everything come back normaly.
My opinion is that C13 is more fragile,but with so many improvements that I can leave with some unexpected crashes, waiting a fix which always come sooner or later :wink:

same here … not to say constant … but since 13.0.30 these crashes started … mostly when using „f3“ within fiddling and in usage with softube console and adding some more instances of softube console plugins … all whilst playing back the track in loopmode … never had that. And the best of all is, that cubase when it crashes it just dissapeares with no extra messages, no crash log at all. New start of c13 starts same as before i started, no question of that „there is a more recent version etc.“
And this on a i9-14900K-64Gb no OC system. Just curious.
These things never happend till including 13.0.20

As previously mentioned by another user, Diagnostic Reports doesn’t even show anything. It just randomly quits constantly.

I had way too many issues with 13.0.20, I rolled back to the original 13. Now upgraded to 13.0.30 and these crashes started. Never remember any crashes before this version.

13.0.30 crashed in the various situations, different projects and all the time in few week time period. Most of the time no crash log or anything.
I had no choice but go back previous version 13.0.20 which stabilized situation tolerable level.

Same problem here with 13.0.30. Mac automatically restarts & shown pink screen when i trying to start Cubase. after restart Cubase opens correctly. btw I am on M2 max & Sonama 14.4.1

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Sonoma 14.4 is known for a lot of problems, including Kernel Panic. Apple is supposed to fix these problems with 14.5

I’ve noticed it’s doing it with other programs as well, especially if I move something from one monitor to the other or if I turn off one of the monitors while in Cubase. Not sure if it’s the way I’ve connected these monitors with different resolutions. One is connected is with just an HDMI > HDMI and the second is USBC > DP.

One of the reasons in your case is probably the Monitor USBC connection, that is known for crashes in Sonoma.

But that is just one issue out of a list of severe bugs, so everybody is now waiting for 14.5 hoping it will solve all this problems.

Apple has dropped the ball with trying to release new OS every year.

I’m getting regular crashing when trying to open projects. I have to quit Cubase in task manager and then double click the project file to get it to open. Once Cubase is running it seems fine but this is quite tiresome.

Are you talking about Windows or MacOS?


Task Manager is on Windows only. :wink:

As you are on Windows, try to generate a DMP file by using ProcDump, please.

Generate a DMP file and share it via Dropbox or a similar service, please.

Use the Microsoft ProcDump utility to generate a DMP file, please.

  1. Please download ProcDump64 from Microsoft (~650kB) and extract the archive to a local folder on your hard disk.

  2. Run Command Prompt (cmd) as administrator (right click and select “run as administrator”)

  3. Navigate (in the Command Prompt) to the folder with the extracted procdump file.
    For example:
    cd C:\ Users \ \ Downloads \ Procdump
    Note: the dmp file will be written into that folder.

  4. Launch Cubase/Nuendo. You can work as usual. At any time, change to the command prompt and start procdump, to monitor Cubase/Nuendo for unexpected behaviour (see next step).

  5. Launch procdump64 via Command Prompt:
    Cubase 13:
    procdump64 -e -h -t Cubase13

Nuendo 13:
procdump64 -e -h -t Nuendo13

The -h option will write a dmp file in case of an application hang. This might kick in too early sometimes, in case some action takes a little longer. Feel free to skip the “-h” option, if you are only up for fetching crashes.
The option -e will catch exceptions and the option -t terminations of the application.

  1. Prodump is now monitoring the Cubase/Nuendo process and will write a crash log, in case Cubase/Nuendo crashes or hangs. Perform the action that causes Cubase/Nuendo to crash and send us the generated crash dmp.

ZIP and share the DMP file via Dropbox or a similar service, please.

Sorry, I should have said, this is on Windows, and it’s Cubase 13, latest version.

Thanks for this - I’ll do this next time it happens

Version 13.0.40 is very stable here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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