Control how Dorico makes ties

I’m new to Dorico (a frustrated Finale refugee). I can’t make Dorico tie from an eighth-note to a half note. It uses two ties to create this duration (see screenshot). I entered a half-note on the second beat using “force duration”, and it looks fine. But when I add the tie from the preceding eighth-note, the result is what you see here. To me, this notation looks tedious. Is there a way to make Dorico tie from an eighth-note to a half-note?

Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 4.19.27 PM

Welcome, @PSG – this sort of thing is governed at a top-level by Dorico’s Notation Options for Note Grouping. Take a look through the page, and change the settings as needed.

Here are some hints – in your case, I think you’re looking for the option about notes crossing the half-bar (because your half note goes over the middle of a 4/4 bar, presumably)

Once you’ve set the Notation Options to the way you want them (and saved as a default, if you want); then if you still want something different, you can use Force Duration.

Press O, and then everything will be entered verbatim as you type it.

He said he used force duration in his original post and that it didn’t work.

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Ah: in which case, make sure that Force Duration is active on all notes before you tie them together, including the first.

The initial quaver also needs to be forced.

  1. Select the tied note
  2. U (to cut the ties)
  3. O (to force duration)
  4. select the first crotchet. 7 (to create the minim)
  5. select the quaver. T (to tie)

If this pattern occurs frequently, you can copy/paste this bar and use Lock duration (L) to repitch.

Thanks, Janus! Your method solved the problem in that measure.

Thanks, Lillie! This is good to know…

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