Control Room: audio glitch when toggling between Mix and Cue

Issue 1 :
In the Control Room, toggling between Mix and Cue causes a brief increase in output level.

(assuming a Cue is present under Audio Connections, regardless if its outputs have been assigned or not)
(the Cue must be set to Mix)

Issue 2 :
Clicking on Mix (repeatedly) causes a brief audio dropout.

This glitch occurs on Cues too (and perhaps every output in the CR)

This wasn’t the case in previous versions of Cubase, pressing these buttons didn’t cause any clicks or dropouts.

Hello Louis, nice to see you again.
I get a very small glitch every time I press the Mix or Cue button.
However I don’t get a volume spike or blackout. Or is your blackout my very small glitch (1ms or so)?

Hello Johnny, yes the glitch you are experiencing is most probably the same. It’s just a micro dropout, but on my side when going from Mix to Cue and the other way around, the volume does increase by something like 6 dB during the same duration instead of being a dropout (I can see the VU meter jump)

The term “blackout” was perhaps confusing, let me correct that.