The volume knob in control room needs to function the same way it did in C13. The new feature of being able to click the outer red ring to set volume is not needed. I misclicked and suddenly my volume was at full blast almost damaging my speakers. please remove that.
Another issue is that it is now a single click to open text box, please make it a double click.
the old knob was perfect please just keep those characterisitcs
I may add to this topic: I tried to link the CR volume knob to my CC121 volume knob (not fader) via the midi remote editor. It reacts succesfully but it turns out that the CR Volume behaviour is in “Jump Mode”. (that would explain why it blows speaker) It is possible to change the assignment box to “Pickup” or “Scaled”, BUT when you try to save / assign it, it falls back to “Jump Mode”!. Worked in C12 and C13 with no fault.
On that notice: I have the AI knob of an old CMC AI Controller assigned and locked to the CR volume in C14. No troubles here so far, works as smooth as in C13.
No, just the plug and play default setting, no modification whatsoever. It is assigned and locked to the volume via the CMC AI lock. Kept the setting since day 1, no modification neccessary.
I have a mixed view on that, as there are countless Cubase settings that also rely on a simple click. A consistency matter, IOW.
Disagree. What for ? The panel isn’t clogged, in my view, and the risk to change inadvertently the volume value is increased with the edit control inside the knob, IMO.
Nice to hear, but not the same with CC121 or my installation of C14! I went back to Cubase 12 to check: the CR Volume was working spotless with the “Value” knob of cc121 in the remote manager editor. With C14 the function is saved only with “jump” mode. Tried to change the mode, but it always falls back into jump mode. Causing dramatic Volume jumps.
Sorry to hear that you are still having trouble with the CC121. Might be due to the fact that the CMC AI is very simple compared to the CC121 and not much of a hassle to be programmed.
Thank you, in fact it was not the CC 121 which caused the problem, but a default setting in the remote manager, which had to be changed by the user. The former and more easy Remote Control Setup in the studio tab did not require that, so I missed the point. Guess it would be the same with any other controller, as the remote control editor only knows a “knob” but not the required behaviour for the function.
There is room for improvements!
I would also like to see a limit with a max-value and a lock function.
Now it is +12dB. I think +3dB would be my setting.