Controller for horizontal scrolling in mixconsole

I have Cubase 8 running on Win 8.1 and so far this is the most stable setup I had. My only issue I have is the ability to scroll horizontally in the mix console with the mouse. Since in the meantime I found out that this works only on a Mac I thought about getting some kind of controller that would be able to do that. My question therefore is: is anyone using one of the CMC controllers from Steinberg or maybe the Contour ShuttlePro V2 and can confirm that it is possible to scroll through the mix console horizontally? I would appreciate any ideas.
Thank You



SHFT + Mousewheel will do the job. :wink:



Shift+Mousewheel works but… You have to be very careful where the mouse cursor is because You can accidentally change a fader position. I am still looking for a better solution with an external controller.

unless there is a way to assign “mixer scroll” to a midi CC so i could use my jog wheel to scroll. that would be a nice feature to add. a mouse wheel is a completely seperate input controller ie “a mouse”.
perhaps a solution is


ps i just discovered Bomes Midi Translator can convert midi to mouse…ill investigate further lol
perhaps i can translate my jog wheel to mouse scroll using a virtual midi cable or something