Is there any possibility to control the LEDs color (above the keys) of my NI Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 when changing the Part in VST Live?
Use case: First Part in VST live is for the Intro and there I need 2 Layers with a spit. The second Part in VST live is for the Vers and there I need 3 Layers with 2 splits. To recognize immediately when playing, where the splits are, I’d like to use the LEDs color above the keys.
What I have tried:
I’ve inserted a Layer with Komplete Kontrol but the Button to set the splits and their color definition is not available. This is only available when I start the Komplete Kontrol externally. Then it is possible to create a template for that, but I found no way to send such a template when activating a Part in VST Live. Does anybody have an idea?
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AFAIK, it’s currently not possible.
… correct. Currently it is not supported. But it’s already listed as a feature-request.
See you
Ok, thanks for the quick replies. I hope for an implementation soon