Controlling LEDs of Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 with VST Live

Is there any possibility to control the LEDs color (above the keys) of my NI Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 when changing the Part in VST Live?
Use case: First Part in VST live is for the Intro and there I need 2 Layers with a spit. The second Part in VST live is for the Vers and there I need 3 Layers with 2 splits. To recognize immediately when playing, where the splits are, I’d like to use the LEDs color above the keys.
What I have tried:
I’ve inserted a Layer with Komplete Kontrol but the Button to set the splits and their color definition is not available. This is only available when I start the Komplete Kontrol externally. Then it is possible to create a template for that, but I found no way to send such a template when activating a Part in VST Live. Does anybody have an idea?

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AFAIK, it’s currently not possible.

… correct. Currently it is not supported. But it’s already listed as a feature-request.

See you

Ok, thanks for the quick replies. I hope for an implementation soon