Convert Tied Notes to Dotted Notes

Dorico 3.5 for Mac, Mac OS is Monterey 12.1

I am trying to convert the tied 1/4 and 1/8 notes in measures 8 and 12 to a single dotted 1/4 note (in staves 2 and 3). I have not been able to find a way to do this.

Joy to the World.dorico (436.7 KB)

You’ll need to Re-enter the notes but this time when you do it, press “o” or the force duration button [first], and then the rhythm you enter will stay exactly as you put it, regardless of any rules that would otherwise apply in a given meter.

You can find the per-flow defaults for how notes should be notated in different contexts and in different meters in Write > Notation Options > Note Grouping. Note there are different settings for when notes are followed by rests vs more notes, so if you’re halfway through inputting a bar, wait until you’ve finished before reviewing the options available as tied notes can become a single dotted note when you input the next note.

That worked! Thank you


Greg Jorgensen

Address 6420 Pojoaque Dr. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120

Phone 505-681-4109
