Copy and Paste in Cubase 14 Score Editor

Can somebody please tell me how to copy and paste. Specifically I am trying to copy four quarter notes from one measure and paste them into the next empty measure.

This is so simple in Dorico. What do I need to do different in Cubase?

Any help and/or link to Cubase documentation would be deeply appreciated.

You have to place the cursor at the paste location. In this case select the bar line, and use the Locate command (Default ctrl-L), then his paste.

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Thank you for your reply.

The above does not have the desired effect.

Actual effect:
Default ctrl-L = Move Event Start/Range Start to Cursor

Project Zone or Score Editor window
ctrl-L and nothing happens

Score Editor Window
*Select 4 notes -they turn black to orange. Hit Ctrl-C to copy to clipboard
*Click barline - barline turns orange ; key signature turns blue
*Ctrl-L all notes in the staff move; makes a big mess ; Track event in Project Window moves to the cursor.

Cubase 13 document says: hold Alt/Opt-Shift and click on position where you want to paste. This does not move the cursor in Cubase 14 Score editor.

Sorry if I gave you the wrong key stroke. Please open the Key Commands dialog and search for locate


That works! Thank you.

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