Copy and paste lyrics in Dorico Pro 5

How to copy and paste lyrics in Dorico Pro 5

What are the steps for users to copy and paste Lyrics in Dorico Pro 5?

Click to select the first lyric
Ctrl-Shift-Click to Select More (do this a few times until all lyrics in the flow are selected for that voice)
Ctrl-C to copy
Select the first note in the alto
Ctrl-V to paste

There are a few other ways to do it as well, but this is probably the best.

I tried clicking a few more times after holding Control+Shift+Click to select the whole verse of words, but am still stuck with this window on just one word.:man_technologist:t4:

Yes, I am on Mac. I tried the alternative for Mac. However when I do Command+Shift+Click, the cursor lands on the above voice.

@GeorgeMaster I am sorry… I am really brain dead tonight, and I’m leading you astray…

Select More is Cmd-Shift-A. Final answer. Apologies… you should find it works delightfully well… as long as you actually use it right!

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A method I use is to select the bar(s) in question (click in between the notes), Edit > Filter > Lyrics, Edit > Paste Special > Duplicate to Staff Below. This works best if the rhythms in the other parts are the same. Also, I have assigned keyboard shortcuts to those actions to make the whole process very speedy.


No problem thank you. That worked. I started asking my questions more strategically for all those who are moving from Finale to Dorico Pro 5 who could really use this info. Your answers and answers from others will be a good tool for all these individuals.

Provided I proofread before I hit Send! :upside_down_face: