Copy automation along with notes

When I copy notes all automation is not copied — why?

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Such as CC1 etc? Or something else?

Yes CC1,7,11

I don’t know the exact reasoning, well
I think I do but I’m not going to blunder a description!

Does this help solve the problem?

Well — I made some drawing with pencil in CC11 and it’s gone when pasted.

Sorry, no it doesn’t help, I just want to select bar (-s) copy and paste and have everything in place.

To the best of my knowledge, you can’t, sorry.

The playback data is separate from the notation (and for good reason IMO).

When you copy and paste notes from one instrument to another, you often don’t want to also have it transfer CC data. The reason is that the instrument you might be pasting that section to may not even use the same CC for dynamic. If you were to copy a passage of music where CC1 was used for dynamics and paste to another instrument that uses CC11 for dynamics and CC1 for vibrato, and it pasted the CC1 data too, then what was dynamics data in one instrument would end up adding vibrato data in the other.

However I imagine you can copy and paste the CC data as a separate step (although I haven’t tried this).

The other thing you can do is if the dynamics are copy-and-pasted too and they are linked, customizations to the dynamics lane should apply to both, and this ends up affecting the CC lanes. This won’t help you transfer over detailed shaping but can work for overall changes (ex. if you draw custom lines in the dynamics lane instead of drawing into the CC lane directly).

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That’s odd, @747. I drew a CC11 line in m. 1, switched to Write Mode to do a regular copy-and-paste, and the CC data came with it:

Now I’ll try copying to another instrument…. Also works:

Do you by chance have Include MIDI CC… disabled under Preferences?


Oh that’s interesting. I’ve always done my custom CC shaping as one of the last steps (letting the dynamics drive everything until it is all drafted) so I’ve never had to copy and paste music that already had CC shaping before.

Strange; now copying works, sometimes! Most of the time I get all the automation but suddenly, in one of the instruments not everything comes, or only for example CC11 but not CC7 and the next copy it can be the other way around. And I find no logic, no system in it all.

Weird. Long-shot, perhaps, but how are you copying/pasting?

Follow-up: I just tried selecting/copying pasting using all four of the basic methods:

  1. Click “anywhere” to select whole measure, Cmd + C, Click in new measure, Cmd + V
  2. Click to select first note in the measure, Shift + Click last note in measure,Cmd + C, Cmd + V
  3. Marquee select, Cmd + C, Cmd + V
  4. Click “anywhere” to select whole measure, Opt + Click to copy to target

All four times the CC11 data came along for the ride, whether within the same player or in others.


Hi, thank you.
Yes, weird.
I’m doing No 1.
What I’m up to is copying a number of bars to a place later in the piece where these bars are repeated. And now I’ve done some changes in the bars when they appear first time and want to copy these to the repetition place.
So I began with selecting the bars (repetition place) and deleted notes and even automation. And then copy/paste but all automation is not the same.

Experimented with copying the Dorico-file, having one to fool around with.
Copied the same bars and pasted them wherever else in another place and it works! But not at the place where they should be.

So perhaps it’s something hidden (in the repetition place)?!?!?