Copy & Paste "without styles"?

Hi everyone!

I’m not sure if I am asking the right question.

This is my situation:
I am importing musicXML into dorico and I want to paste music into my existing score (which has custom notation and engraving settings).
Unfortunately, after pasting data into my score, the notation does not seem to follow the rules set in the notation options.

Here’s an example.

This is what I’m copying:
Screenshot 2021-06-30 at 11.14.45

this is what it looks like after pasting:
Screenshot 2021-06-30 at 11.05.48
and this is what it should look like according to the notation options (same text in other voices looks exactly like that):
Screenshot 2021-06-30 at 11.06.05

What am I missing?

Thank you!


You could try selecting the phrase and resetting beaming - I wonder if there are some manual settings/overrides set on the notes and rests that have come from the XML import.


I knew there had to be such a thing! Thank you! :partying_face: