Copy Staff Spacing—how to paste what is copied

I can find a section on how to Copy Staff Spacing [fixing spacing on one brass part and copying that to the next rather than repeating a tedious task]. There are no instructions on how to paste what is copied.

If I want the spacing shown in the Trombone part to be copied and pasted to the Trumpet part—how does that happen. ⌘V does nothing. There is no Paste Staff Spacing under Engrave.

Thanks in advance

It works within one single layout, not between layouts. Try setup mode, propagate part formatting instead. I am not sure if staff spacing will transfer, but worth a shot.

Yes, I see that now. Page formatting propagated. Other adjustments did not: like spacing between systems.

If 8 brass players need the same page layouts/formats/staff spacing, I hope there is some way to do it once and not 8 times. A selling point for Dorico is less time spent working on layouts.

The spacing you desire could be achieved using vertical spacing settings, except for the extra distance to the coda system. So at least you could minimise manual tweaking to only the coda system (unless you need completely different spacing for the previous pages).

But maybe someone chimes in with some method for that also.

To make systems on a page spread out more.m but not to the full height of the page, consider reducing the height of the music frame rather than manually moving every system.

You can do this on one local page, or create a page template with a shorter music frame - the latter method allows you to reuse these proportions on multiple pages and in multiple layouts.

In general, Dorico needs less manual staff movement vertically than other applications. My best advice for using Dorico is to treat manual staff adjustments as a last resort, rather than default procedure.

Eg first start by changing the layout’s vertical spacing values. There’s some handy tips on how to approach these values on the linked page, and in this video:

Ps your screenshot is from older documentation - the latest equivalent page is here.

Hi @Bert_Ligon,

if you could post your Project Dorico File, we could give precise steps to obtain what you need with minimal manual/local adjustments and mostly global settings (which is the strength of Dorico :wink: )

Here more infos:

Got it, thanks