I had a very large complex piece with 2 sections that I worked on in 2 separate projects. I wanted to add the 2nd part to follow the first. I first copied just the piano part and then saw all the measures didn’t align. there were a lot of time signature changes and I could see in the score, measures were all wrong. so I created signature tracks and copied the 2nd to the end of the 1st and aligned and score was now all right. But as it came to a place in playback, there was a sudden acceleration of tempo that didn’t belong.
I created tempo tracks and copied the 2nd to end of the 1st and then played back again. It went along OK and then I saw the same thing happen. I saw that some of the tempo markings were off a little and tried copying and pasting back to a starting barline where they belonged. so part looked OK again. but before proceeding, I saw that there were slight differences in the tempos when I compared equivalent locations. One might be 110 and the other 102 and it was hard to select a cluster and move to the accurate positions . As there are a lot of tempo changes and doing each point individually or in some clusters, I’m wondering why it partially aligned and then didn’t. Also it is hard to grasp points sometimes when the pointer keeps changing to a time stretch tool,
It wouldn’t matter much if the midi changes were a little different, but there are also audio parts to copy after getting the tempo synchronized correctly and they would be off then, so I’m wondering about suggestions.