Couple of lingering issues with 1.3.19 on "Mixer" page

I’m not sure if these have got any attention, but they are a lingering issue for me:
Here’s how to reproduce the first one:

  1. Import a project from Cubase
  2. On the mixer page, click the “edit” button on the Stereo Out channel
  3. All of the imported tracks come in with a gain of +3.96 (is this a feature or bug?) - my instincts tell me that imported tracks should come in at zero.
    For the second one:
  4. On the same mixer page, click on the song name at the top to bring up the output routing selection.
  5. Select the “nc” connection to disconnect this channel from everything.
  6. Click over to “Song 1” then back to the imported song
  7. The “nc” gets changed back to the song name and is reconnected to the main output.
    I’d like to use the"nc" for tracks which should not be played - I can mute them (and this is saved) - but to me, “nc” makes more sense.

… yes, that’s on our list.

… will check.

Thank you,

It was a wish from some time ago, but you are correct and we changed it back, so from the next version on you can set it to not connected again.

Same for Layer channels, btw, even though there, it was a bug :slight_smile:

Thanks Michael - I appreciate your attention. -ew

Hi All,

I just installed the latest build (1.4.12) and the issues listed in my first entry in this post are still there. If these are the intended behaviors, that’s okay, I’d just like to know so I can incorporate the “fixes” into my workflow, but if not, will you please get these items on the list of items to address?

… that’s finally fixed. Please try with the next version. Note : You need to export your Cubase project again to get the correct volume values in VST Live.


Thanks Michael,
Any thoughts on the “nc” issue listed above?

Should also be fixed with the next version.

Happy news for me too. It’s good to have control, if something can be suspended by < nc > -ing and remains until changing back. Maybe I’m missing something, but audio outs are “self-healing” < nc >-d outputs for every session when finding any < nc >-d too. But yes, if at least one (mixer or output) can preserve < nc > state than we will have the option.