CP88 Connectivity - Cubase 14 Pro - MacBook Pro M3 - Sequoia 15.2

Hello All,

I wonder if any Yamaha CP88 users are experiencing the following:

Connecting with a USB from my CP88 to a MacBook m3 Pro running Sequoia 15.2 and using the latest Steinberg USB driver, I am unable to set the midi ports - the page is blank - ( however with other instruments or midi devices, the midi port page immediately lists the connected devices).

Under the Midi Device Manager, the CP88 is is listed as an installed device but shown as not connected - the usual drop down remains as ‘Not Connected’ no midi activity is shown ( I am remembering to turn local control off).

This results in me not being able to use the CP88 to control the instruments in Cubase and others but if I turn local control back on, I can record the CP88 in audio allowing to mix down the CP88 audio data and then open the project with another controller to add Cubase instruments.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution?

Many thanks, Robert


Do you mean in the macOS utility Audio MIDI Setup > MIDI Studio?

How does it look like in Cubase > Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Ports Setup, please?

Hi Martin,

Wow, appreciate the prompt response.
The queries are all in Cubase

In Studio Setup, at Audio System, the built in audio CP88 pops up.

Then, when clicking on Midi Port Setup, the page is blank.

If I click on Midi Device Manager in Studio Setup under more options, my CP is indicated but instead of seeing an option to connect, or install, it doesn’t.

Hi Again,

I have a couple of screenshots for you:

Much appreciated,



How does it look like here, please?

Hello Martin,

here is the screen shot, thank you.



What about the MIDI Studio window of this application, please?

Hello Martin,

Thank you. Midi studio window is not a feature of a MacBook Pro - after many hours of looking through menus and YouTube videos, its appears that the studio window is only an option on the high end Mac Studio and Mac Mini computers and not MacBook laptops.

I have had this issue for a few weeks now and so my last resort is probably delete Cubase, do a factory reset on my CP88, reinstall Cubase and start again.
Is this going to create any Cubase licensing issues for me if I reload the software?

I was thinking of also rewinding the MacBook to an earlier version of its operating system but that is a very very last resort because only my Yamaha is not connecting, everything else works perfectly.

Many thanks,



I have this window on my MacBook Pro. There is no reason, why this should not be on MacBook Pro. It’s a system information. Just open Audio MIDI Setup. In the application click to Window menu and MIDI Studio.

It’s important to know, if your system can see the MIDI Device.


Hello Martin,

Many thanks for your patience and kindness.

I will contact Apple Support to request direction on how to find the page you are looking for - I’ve sent you everything I can find.



I have Mac Studio, Seqouia 15.3.
Midi devices show up in Midi Studio as active.
Additionally, my two midi keyboards (arturia keylab ess./akai lpk25) which both show up fine in midi studio also work as normal in other daws I’ve tried (Garageband/Performer Lite).

Except in Cubase where they show up as active and connected in Cubase Studio setup’s midi section but the midisignal-meter (downmost to the right in default/main producing window) do not show any activity. Consequently, I can’t play any midi instruments as I’ve always done (nd can do in other daws).
I’ve tried both Cubase pro 12/13/14 and it’s the same situation with all of them.


Could you please attach a screenshot of Cubase > Studio > Studio Setup > MIDI Ports Setup?

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Double-check the Preferences > MIDI > MIDI Filter, please. By default only SysEx messages are filtered out. Also make sure, the Channels are not filtered out. Please, attach the screenshot again.

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To me it looks like the Channels are enabled. Could you please click on at least one, to see the difference? Unfortunately these buttons are hard to find, if they are switched On or Off.

Pressed 1 and 7.


OK, 1 and 7 fileters are enabled now. So please disable them back, it was correct.

Could you try in the Cubase Safe Start Mode [Disable preferences], please?

Hello Martin,

with the latest version of Sequoia, I was able to find the Midi Studio window as attached below with my CP88 attached.

I hope this provides you with a clue to my problem, thank you.
