Thank you guys.
Mattias, yes I see what you’re saying.
It could well be that channels are distributed amongst threads, and an uneven load on one channel’s signal path necessarily results in a an uneven load amongst the threads.
I think this is what you are saying. It sounds plausible; if so the implication would be that all DAWs suffer from the same issue.
FF, I had not heard of LatencyMon. I will check it out. It’s disappointing that Steinberg have not made some kind of attempt to do what is being done in LM. But anyway it is what it is.
Anyway, the good news (I think) is that it turns out that you can turn off the dialog box warning - ERROR: "CPU Overload/Audio drop out detected." GUI, Graphics-related, or Plugin Compatibility Issue? - #19 by Lunatech_Fringe
I have not done it yet - I tried to open my project and of course Cubase crashed - no indication as to why. I thought I had solved the latest crash cause - I ended up uninstalling the dspfx that came with my UR24C. Now I will have to analyze the .dmp crash file again. Wonderful.