Crash reports when opening Dorico

I suddenly get crash reports whenever I open Dorico. It seems that Dorico detects this “crash” whenever I quit the app but doesn’t alert me when it happens. I can still use Dorico like before and everything seems to work so I’m not sure if I should just ignore this?

It started after I installed the VHorns Saxophone Library from Acoustic Samples. But both this library (and Noteperformer) works flawlessly in Dorico so I’m not sure what the problem is.

I’ll attach the most recent crash report below.

VSTAudioEngine5-2025-01-23-164333.ips (26.2 KB)

Welcome to the forum, @JALS. The crash report you have attached here shows that UVI Workstation is crashing, presumably when the audio engine is shutting down. You should make sure you have the latest version of this plug-in installed, and consider sending the crash report to UVI tech support so they can take a look and see if they can determine why the plug-in is crashing.

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Thanks. I downloaded the UVI Workstation on 17 Jan and the problems started instantly so I’m pretty sure I have the latest versions but I can look into that. Otherwise I’ll contact UVI Tech support and see if they can help.

Actually, this is a known issue which I am currently working on. UVI is based on the Juce framework. When Dorico’s audio engine unloads such Juce base plug-ins it comes to such crash due to a reference counting error. It’s not clear to me yet, if the bug is on Steinberg or Juce side.
In the end those crashes are harmless but of course annoying because they pop up every time. Therefore we will fix it properly.


Hi Ulf
I actually had some contact with UVI tech support today and they couldn’t reproduce the problem. And had no other reports about this problem at the moment.

But I tried some other things and this is really strange. If make a new file in Dorico (or open an old one without any instances of UVI Workstation) I can’t even select the UVI Workstation at all in Dorico. It only shows up as ”UVI" and nothing happens when I click on it. I can choose any of the other installed VST instruments though (Noteperformer, Aria Player and Halion Sonic for instance).

But if I open my original file with UVI Workstation (and the VHorns from Acoustic Samples) they are still there and I can open the UVI Workstation no problem.

Hi @JALS , that indeed is a strange behaviour of UVI.
Could you please do from Dorico’s menu Help > Create Diagnostic Report and post the corresponding zip file here?

In regards to the crashes, my latest findings from yesterday are, that Dorico’s audio engine does something wrong during shutdown. If still a project is open during shutdown then the reference count of a certain object goes astray, and therefore it crashes. So I will fix that.

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Thank you so much for this. Unfortunately I’m away on a trip for a couple of days now but I’ll be back in my studio on Tuesday and I’ll try that as soon as I can.

Btw, do you want me to create a diagnostic report from a new file (that’s unable to open UVI Workstation) or the original file (that still works with UVI)?

Okay, no need to rush, take your time.
But it would be good if you could provide 2 diagnostic reports. One with the original project loaded and the next when a new project is loaded.
Thanks a lot

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If my memory serves well, once you select UVI in the VSTi list, there is a new line that appears that says Sampler, and once you select it, UVI Workstation opens and you can load hour Acousticsamples instrument.
The JUCE bug has been with me for years now, and since I use Relab Development’s LX480 in all my projects, it’s been years I’ve started Dorico with that crash message.
So far, Modartt (PianoTeq) have solved the problem (or made sure it wouldn’t cause a crash) but they are the only ones…

Here are the two diagnostic reports. One with the original file and one with a new project loaded. Also discovered that while I still have UVI Workstation loaded in the original file I can’t select it again and it only appears as “UVI” in the dropdown meny (I know I have to select UVI once and then another line should appear with UVI workstation but this doesn’t happen anymore. It will only say “UVI” on the second line as well).

UVI support advised me to uninstall UVI Workstation and reinstall it with UVI Portal, reboot and see if that would fixt it. Will give that a try, (1.2 MB) (1.2 MB)

Thanks for the new data @JALS .

But even with the new file, Dorico detects UVI Workstation and can also load it. Maybe the issue is just a bug in the GUI, namely that the name does not appear.
Normally it should turn up as UVI > Sampler > UVI Workstation
Could you please double check again? Thanks

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Haha. Now I feel really stupid…

I’m not 100% familiar with all drop-down menys in Dorico (after 30 years with Finale) so for some reason I didn’t spot the “Sampler” line below “UVI” after clicking on UVI. It turns out I can open UVI Workstation after all… I’m getting old. :wink:

Thanks @Ulf !

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No worries, happens to all of us. :wink: