I’m doing audio CD and dont want to have pause between the tracks. Mark the first clip and pressing C is ok but when I mark the second one and pres C WaveLab is crashing!
Any solutions to prevent that?
Are you using WaveLab 10.0.40?
The last one! 10.0.40
I can’t reproduce. Please send crash log.
where i can find it? It just shut down the WL
Under Windows, you can generate one crash dump from WaveLab if you do so:
While pressing the Alternate key (press first and maintain), select “Global preferences” from the WaveLab menu with the mouse.
In that case, there is a new tab called “Diagnostics”. There you can activate several functions.
Activate the option “Enable crash report”. Quit and relaunch WaveLab.
If a crash happens, one crash dump is generated.
Resurrecting this post as it’s happening to me.
How to replicate the bug:
- Drag more than one audio file into the montage window.
- Align the second track to the first track so they’re touching.
- Double-click first audio to select it all and press ‘C’ to create a marker region
- Double-click second audio to select it all and press ‘C’ to create a marker region (the start of the second region should be touching the end of the first region).
Application will crash.
Temporary workaround:
- Drag and drop your audio files into montage view (touching end-to-end if you want that)
- Drag a selection over each audio file that is smaller than the whole audio. i.e. Don’t select the whole audio file
- Press ‘C’ to make a marker.
- Drag and drop the markers so they line up end-to-end. End of marker 1 touching start of marker 2, and so on.
Application won’t crash when doing this.
First example will crash here too
WL 10.0.40, OSX 10.14.6 Mojave
regards S-EH
I can reproduce, it will be fixed in 10.0.50.
Please use the term “clip” and not “track”, to match WaveLab nomenclature.
I would have understood earlier
Ah yes, sorry! “clip”
Same here!
Record audio, stop recording, double click to select audio between existing auto-markers, hit C.
Double click to select between next existing auto-markers, hit C. App freezes then crashes a few seconds later. No recovery prompts on startup and first time it killed my temporary files too. 40 minute dub vanished in to thin air!! PLEASE FIX this repeatable bug (that has clearly been present since at least v10!)