Whenever I try to unmix a certain song, the application crashes with a fatal C++ Runtime library error. A few other songs I’ve tried don’t seem to have the same issue. The unmix gets to 5-15% before crashing, sometimes crashes before it reaches 1%. I have tried in .wav, .mp3, m4a formats, each of them gives the same error at varying levels of completion.
My system is:
Win 11 Pro 64-bit, i5-11600K @ 3.90 GHz, 16GB RAM and NVidia 1030 8GB GPU
I was having Similar problems. Support had me disable all services and unneeded external processes and it resolved the problem. I never found what conflict was causing unmix to crash the host but thought this might help.
Ineresting. What specifically do you call “disable all services and unneeded external processes”? Since doing such might easily cause issues elsewhere.
Being there, attempted that along the years, and have regretted it a number of times.
Did support provided with an specific guide or advice to do so? Please share it here, that or what you followed (webpage, criteria, etc.). It might help others.