Creare un pannello di controllo per Roland JD-800

Buongiorno a tutti,
qualcuno di voi ha mai provato a creare un pannello di controllo MIDI per il Roland JD-800? Io ho provato a scaricare la tabella MIDI implementation Chart ma non riesco a capire come va letta. Volevo fare una sola prova impostando il controllo di CUTOFF ma non so che numero di canale assegnargli.

Hello everyone,
has anyone ever tried to create a control panel for MIDI Roland JD-800? I tried downloading the MIDI implementation chart table but I can not understand how it should be read. I wanted to do a single test by setting the CUTOFF control but do not know what channel number assigned to it.

There is also another point I wanted to highlight: the speech and it is the values ​​of all the faders. Ex: let’s say I’m playing a preset “AA” on the synthesizer, which has a cutoff value set to 80. Physically, the fader is set to 80 hours. Let’s say you want to change presets. The new pRSET “BB” has a cutoff value of 30. To change the sound I want to raise the cutoff, but just physically move the fader, it will not be starting from 30 m rather than 80. This is one of the problems of the JD-800 you would like to resolve precisely with a new type of plug-in MIDI.

Ich versuche, einen Aufruf zu starten, vielleicht wird jemand hören …

I try to launch an appeal, maybe someone will listen …

Just beautiful people on this site … :neutral_face: