Create BLANK music paper

I am new and from Finale…so I am just learning the commands.
How can I specify the exact number of bars I want in a staff line?
I wish to print some blank music paper with six bars per staff.
Thanks! Shannon

There are several posts in the forum about this. Here’s one: Create Blank Manuscript - #5 by Christian_R


Go to Library > Layout options > Staves and Systems > Casting Off

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Ah! Interesting post. Great video by Anthony!

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Hi @sparrish1313, there are several ways.

One is the one suggested by the link posted by @dan_kreider (where you can see the mentioned video in another post, and a visual guide in my post, following those video instructions). But that method has no barlines.

Here another way to do it, using hidden clef in the instrument definition, hiding the time signature, casting-off 1 measure per system, setting the default barline as dashed and setting the dash length in Engraving Options/Barlines to 0, and no barline at end of flow in Notation Options/Barlines, and No labels in Layout Options/Staves and Systems, and narrower Inter System gaps in Layout Options/Verticals spacings, and some other little customisations in layout options and editing of the Default Page template.

For your case the casting-off is 6 bars per staff in Layout Options/Staves and Systems/Casting-Off, and normal default barline and normal barline at the end of flow, in Notation Options/Barlines

You can then add/subtract bars with the system track, and narrow/expand the inter System Gaps further, to control how many staves are on the page, and of course change the Rastral Size in layout Options/Page Setup;

Here the Dorico files with this method:

With no Barlines:
blank manuscript paper 12 staves A4.dorico (388.3 KB)

With 6 bars per staff:
blank manuscript paper - 12 staves A4 - 6 bars.dorico (399.8 KB)