Create Page sub-heading in middle of multiflow work

Hello Dorico users
I’ve got a piece of music here with many flows and many instrumental parts.
Halfway thru the piece I want to insert the text “Second Part” above the 16th flow heading, to show where the music restarts after the interval. I’d like this text to be at the top of the page in the Vocal Score and in the Orchestral Score, but in the instrumental parts it is better if it can appear wherever it is needed, mid-page if required.
What is the best way to insert such a text, please?
Thanks for any suggestions.

Make yourself a custom Master Page (Flow Heading Master) set to apply where needed?

Thanks Derek
I’ve tried this four times now with different variations. But every time, my new custom Master Page wants to import page one of the score as the first page of the second half, that is, right into the middle of the score.
Has anyone any idea what I might be doing wrong.

It could well be something to do with which frame chain is set for the music frames on the master pages - could you post the project (zipped) here, ideally with a master page you’ve already attempted, to investigate?

I think Derrek meant a new Master Flow Heading, not a new Master Page. Then use a Flow Heading Change.

A new Master Page (presumably with two music frames and a text frame, from your comment about getting the start of the score repeated) isn’t the way to go in any case, because the size of the frames is fixed, and presumably your “part two” header should be in a different vertical positions on the page in different parts.

Dear Rob
Thank you. It was easy as soon as I tired a new Flow Heading.
Thanks to Lillie for her offer, but problem is solved.