Creating Cues in Imported XML Individual Part

Windws 11.

The first two bars are intended as a cue to be inserted in voice 2. To achieve this I had to first create bars 3-4 in voice 1, return to bar 1, change to voice 2 and insert the notes. This works but I also want the stem direction swapped to up and the half note rests moved down to the first staff line. I can move the rests using “Rest Pos” but only one at a time which is time consummg. I failed to find a way of switching the stem direction.
My next problem now is how to move the notes in bars 3-4 (voice 1) into voice 2 with half note rests filling out voice 1 . I selected the notes, used “V” to cycle to the next voice and pressed “V” to perform the move but nothing happens.

The above illustrates a problem encountered after importing solo music from an XML file. The music contains several cues which need there own voices (2)

What question(s) do you have?

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I guess it’s about the voices and/or unwanted rests?

John, currently you are writing in Down-stem voice 1 (inadvertently?).

Could you turn on voice colours and repost the excerpt again?

The image shows my imported snippet (XML file). On the first line, the original. On the second line my editing achieved by reinserting the first 2 bars into voice 2. Also on the second line, bars 3-4, which I have failed to move from voice 1 - 2.

I still don’t understand the issue at all. John, could you describe your objective in musical terms rather than what you are trying to do technically?

Hi @John_McWilliam, waiting for a concrete question/request, reading your post you are referring to cues. Just in case: are you familiar with the (revolutionary) cue functionality in Dorico? (no need at all to create separate voices for cues).
(Don’t know if this correlates to what you are trying to obtain, though):

The Manual:

The Video:

to move selected notes to the next available voice/s, just press V, and Dorico will assign it to the next existing voice (that you had already created). If you select, for example, a bar with two different voices (and only those two voices being used for that staff), pressing V will practically swap the voice content (swap voice content for selected passage is also reachable from the menu Edit/Notations/Voices, or from the context menu with right click):
CleanShot 2024-11-05 at 17.43.32

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We seem to be talking past one another. I will try to explain again. The fist line of music it what I got when I imported a clarinet XML file. The first four bars are, however, a cue from the flute part but they show up as part of the clarinet part. To make them into a flute cue I need to move these notes into their own voice (2) and reduce their note size leaving half note rests in voice 1.
As shown above I found it possible to do this only if I reinserted the cue notes manually and could not get the stems to reverse. Your video does .this,perfectly . I have tried repeating your actions and can get the notes to move to a new voice (change colour) but the stem direction does not change and the half note rests filling out voice 1 do not appear.

No. Delete these notes from the Clarinet part and then add a cue from the Flute (shift-U Flute). (As explained in an earlier post by @Christian_R ) Dorico will handle the sizing and labelling for you. By default cues are not shown in the full score (there’s usually not a need), but they are shown by default in parts.


I think your suggestion implies that I have a full score to fall back on - not true. I have a clarinet part with notes which I want to convert into a cue labelled “Flute” - nothing else.

To add the cue if you want to do it this way, you can simply add a flute in Setup mode, then cut/paste those notes in at that point in the (now) 2 part score. Would this work for you?

Windows 11, Dorico Pro 5.1

I have been trying to resolve a problem moving notes from XML imported voice1 to voice2 but have had difficulty in explaining myself. I decided therefore to post a snipped (above) of what I am getting when I import my clarinet part from an XML file. Everything is voice1 and the notes are all the same size.

This is what I want. The first four bars are a flute cue. I have no score, just the clarinet part. I can manually delete these bars and reinsert them by hand into voice2, however, this produces a mix of quater and eighth note rests in voice1 where a half note rest would have been better. My goal is to be able to create a cue from the existing notes without having to resinsert them.
I hope this clarifies my problem.

@John_McWilliam, I understand your ultimate goal to be creating a clarinet part in Dorico from an imported XML in which the size distinction of cues has been lost. (Hope I got that right!)

If it were me in that position, I would not mess with voice creation/manual resizing/staff-text-plus to make cues (relatively time-consuming). I would instead take advantage of Dorico’s elegant cue feature (as several above have suggested) by doing the following:

  1. turn the file into a “dummy score” by adding flute and violin players to the project
  2. notate their music in the appropriate measures
  3. add cues to the clarinet staff (notice how Dorico automatically makes the notes smaller and adds the instrument name.*)

* Midway through I decided to split the flute cue into two because of the system break in the clarinet part. For the cold one I overrode the automatic cue name with Properties Panel > Cues > Start text with “(Fl. 1)” for the parenthetical reminder. This isn’t shown in the screenshots, but is in the Dorico file below.

The results look like this in the (default) Full score Layout:

But…now you switch to the Clarinet Layout (see upper left of image)and voilà:

Here’s my Dorico project file if you want to check it out:

2024 11.07 John_McWilliam Cues.dorico (539.0 KB)

P.S. — I took the liberty of retitling your topic and adding the tips-and-tricks tag to improve search results for others.


While Dorico’s cue notes feature is amazing, and @judddanby gives the correct way of using it to get the desired result, in some cases it may be more than is needed, and this might be one of them – depends a bit on how many cues there are, from how many different source instruments, and whether it’s worth setting up the extra players.

An alternative approach would be to set the upstem voice 1 notes to cue size in the Properties panel. Then use the bars and barlines popover to input a bar rest into downstem voice 1 in the first bar, and copy or Alt+click that rest into other bars as needed.


When engraving a standalone part like this, I’ve done things both ways; as I said, it depends on which one seems like less work for the particular job.

Here’s the Dorico project:

Nutcracker.dorico (425.1 KB)