@John_McWilliam, I understand your ultimate goal to be creating a clarinet part in Dorico from an imported XML in which the size distinction of cues has been lost. (Hope I got that right!)
If it were me in that position, I would not mess with voice creation/manual resizing/staff-text-plus to make cues (relatively time-consuming). I would instead take advantage of Dorico’s elegant cue feature (as several above have suggested) by doing the following:
- turn the file into a “dummy score” by adding flute and violin players to the project
- notate their music in the appropriate measures
- add cues to the clarinet staff (notice how Dorico automatically makes the notes smaller and adds the instrument name.*)
* Midway through I decided to split the flute cue into two because of the system break in the clarinet part. For the cold one I overrode the automatic cue name with Properties Panel > Cues > Start text with “(Fl. 1)” for the parenthetical reminder. This isn’t shown in the screenshots, but is in the Dorico file below.
The results look like this in the (default) Full score Layout:
But…now you switch to the Clarinet Layout (see upper left of image)and voilà:
Here’s my Dorico project file if you want to check it out:
2024 11.07 John_McWilliam Cues.dorico (539.0 KB)
P.S. — I took the liberty of retitling your topic and adding the tips-and-tricks tag to improve search results for others.