creating layouts - a small wish..

When creating a new layout it would be nice if the dialog for choosing players stayed open until the players were selected. Would save some clicks not having to open the dialog every time to add another player :wink:

I’m not sure what you mean, Mads. Do you mean that when you’re adding players to the project, you would like to be able to add several instruments to the same player at the same time, or something else?

You can add players to a layout by selecting the layout, and ticking the checkboxes in the left hand panel. No need to use the right click menu, if that’s what you mean.

(You can also do it the other way around - select a bunch of players, and tick the checkbox in the right hand panel)

No - I meant adding players to a layout. Right-click the layout, scroll down to players, select one… - the dialog closes after choosing a player.
But andgle’s solution works fine so never mind :slight_smile: