Cremona Automation

I try to add midi automation on a project I work on. I add a new Cremona instrument track, I hit W and while I hear the midi expression moving the fader, nothing appears on the track. I tried on a new project and it works fine. Any suggestions please ?

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What kind of fader did you move, please? Could you attach a screenshot, please?

Thank you for your reply.

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Enable W?

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I don’t see Write enabled. And I don’t know, which fader do you move, please.

I have enabled it before the screenshot obviously. I move the expression. I see the expression fader moving but nothing happens on the track.

Evidently it is not enabled.

Yes its not enabled on the screenshot but it was just a min before. What I am trying to say is at the following video.

If you instead move the expression slider on your Kontakt instrument using your mouse with Write enabled, does that register as automation data on an Automation Track?

No. Only if I start a project from scratch it works again.

Do you think that it may have to be something with the QC settings?


On the video, I can see, you have the Volume automation track shown. But then you move the Expression parameter in the plug-in.

After writing the automation, right-click on the track and Show Used Automation, please.

Nothing appears, I did it.
Nevertheless, when you W on a track, a new automation lane appears.

Here is what I did and it seemed to work.
I deleted all QC controls from the track’s inspector and I created a new one with a new parameter Expression. Then I hit W and it worked as a new “Kontak 7- Expression” lane appeared. Seems as a bug to me.
Anyway, thank you all for your precious assistance.

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