Cresc. vs. hairpin

In case anyone is confused, ‘hairpin’ refers to the graphic representation of crescendo.

I am seeing in a score, a solo cello part has ‘cresc.’ but the individual part has the hairpin. These are two different things, in the sense that ‘cresc.’ generally means to do so until the next written dynamic; whereas the hairpin is only for the specific duration of the graphic. These are not interchangeable and should not change from score to part.

Ditto for ‘dim’ and the reverse-hairpin.

You can use Edit/Propagate Properties to ensure that these gradual dynamic markings look identical in both score and parts.

Stephen, yes this is a workaround. tromboneandrew is referring to the fact that these two ways of displaying a crescendo do not mean the same and thus by Doricos design philosophy should not be interchangeable.

Just for the sake of naming all options:
“cresc.” (as well as “rit.”) can have a dotted line exactly specifying where it ends. It does not necessarily have to be in effect “until the next written dynamic” (or tempo change).

In fact, when you select a bunch of notes and enter a riterdando Dorico will show these dots.

Am I missing something? Edit->Propogate_Properties does not seem to be the direct menu chain to get to this.

No, that’s the correct path. You can also map Propagate Properties in Key Commands (and I’d recommend it, since you’ll use it often, at least until a better solution exists). I mapped it to Ctrl-Alt-P.

A good point, but still, I think the substitution still should not be default. There will be times when one is preferred over the other, even if ‘cresc . . . . .’ is functionally equivalent to a hairpin, such as for visual clarity when other stuff is going on in the page.

OK, where is it???

It’s greyed out. You have to select the thing you wish to propagate first.

Ah, I found it. I had to have the specific dynamic highlighted.

Conceptually, Dorico treats hairpins and cresc/dim text as interchangeable. There’s a layout option for whether you want hairpins or text by default, but if you input a gradual dynamic that differs from your default, Dorico treats that as an override. Overrides are layout specific, and thus you need to be aware that if your default is hairpins and you’ve input crescendo text, it’s still going to appear as a hairpin in any other layouts. The solution, implemented as a stopgap measure, is Propagate Properties.

This forum is the correct place to moan about it not doing what you want automatically. I’m just grateful that Propagate Properties was implemented - this situation with defaults and overrides was much more of a nuisance before Dorico 2.1.

I also wish they would not treat these terms interchangeably.
I use cresc. to ask for longer builds and hairpins to show localized phrasing. It’s a pain in the ass to remember to change it in every part. The program should honor what the user wrote.

And, as I stated in the post immediately above yours, there’s no need to remember to change everything individually in the parts. Just remember to select gradual dynamics and propagate properties.