Cross-staff arpeggio

Trying to add an arpeggio sign to a chord that spans both LH to RH on a piano part in ms 1 (or any measure) of the attached score.
I have selected all the notes in the chord, opened the ORNAMENTS panel, selected the arpeggio sign (which does not highlight). If I use the mouse to point to the chord, the arpeggio sign will now highlight in the ORNAMENTS panel, but it will attach either to the LH or RH part of the chord, but not the whole chord.
O the Deep Deep.dorico (872.6 KB)

It works fine. Simply select both RH and LH chords and select the appeggio line from the usual place.

Sorry, that’s what I’m doing (selecting both chords) but still getting the same result.

here’s a little screen grab video of my process.

O the Deep Deep.dorico (879.7 KB)

Not sure then. I tried it out on your score. Selected all the notes in LH and RH. Clicked on the arpeggio sign in the arpeggiation section and the arpeggio wiggly line appeared as expected. If I can think of anything else I’ll get back to you. I’ve attached what I did.

@Ian_Lawson is correct but you also have too many active voices. It helps to turn on ‘show voice colors’ to sort these kinds of things out.
O the Deep Deep_2.dorico (1.1 MB)

Sorry, @tbabcock123, are you saying because I have “too many active voices” the arpeggio isn’t working for me? Or are you just saying I’m making life more complex with too many active voices?

From your video it looks like you made the correct selection but for some reason when you clicked the arpeggio icon it loaded the cursor with the arpeggio and then you clicked on the upper chord and the arpeggio was placed there. What Ian (and I ) did was to select the upper and lower chords and then when the arpeggio icon was selected from the palette it was automatically applied to the two chords as one entity. Unclear why that didn’t work for you. I’m on a Mac if that makes a difference.

“No” to the arpeggio question. And “yes” to the complexities of life question. It’s better practice to use as few voices as possible - unnecessary voices can become unmanageable when editing your work. Also, each voice adds another instance of the VST to your overhead.

I seem to be having unexplained but possibly linked issues with the panels today. Here’s a link to my other issue, trying to get a line across staves. The panel doesn’t seem to be acting normally. Of course as a Dorico novice, I don’t know what normal is.

Change this setting to “create item at selection”


Thanks @Lillie_Harris. You solved it. But what an odd option to have to select. With this option not selected (as it is upon install), the panels don’t seem to work as described in the manual. Maybe when I earn my black belt in Dorico, it’ll make sense.

I think most users don’t run into this setting because they enter markings with the popovers.

I’m relieved that it’s solved!

“Create item at selection” should be the default on installation, so I’m not sure why that’s not the case for you.

The manual specifies that this setting affects steps in all applicable topics, eg like here. There’s a link to the relevant topic for how to change that preference at the bottom.