Cross staff fingering above beam

After switching the position of the right hand fingering on the lower staff from below the staff to above it by making the Staff Relative Position= Above or placing an r before the each finger number, the right hand numbers are placed under the beam like this::

But most often in this situation, the fingering should be positioned above the beam, like this:

Is there a way to achieve this automatically? Right now I must drag the fingering into position in Engrave Mode.

The first bar is my default position, the second if I put the first 3 near the note (I prefer the first).


I’m afraid there is no way at present to achieve this automatically. So far as I know, Dorico doesn’t “know” about the cross-staff beam when positioning the fingerings, so it’s unable to provide a better position by default.

Personally, I don’t like very much the position over the beam, and I prefer the standard one, even if it may be clearer the hand used… If this is important, probably the best solution would be avoiding the cross staff beam.

P.s.: If the hand is the right one a possible solution is

But actually I couldn’t find a way to put the first 3 fingering above the upper staff, even without a cross staff beam…
Am I missing something?

Thank you, @dspreadbury I hope that this is improved in the future.

@Alberto_Maria thank you for your examples, which supplement mine.

In my experience the positioning above the beam is quite standard. Here is an example from a Wiener Urtext edition:

The other way (between the beam and the note head) is sometimes used when crowding is an issue.

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Frankly, in my third example, I would have liked to write the first 3 fingerings as the last three, above the upper staff, but I don’t know if it’s possible, excluding manually (obviously I would have typed the 1s only).

Yes, that would be a more standard way to do it for your third example. I have a feeling that Dorico might have trouble with this case as well.

Positioning the fingering below the notes, as in some of your first example is also a standard, but I’ve seen it more for when the notes on the lower staff start near the bottom of the staff so finger numbers are closer to the note heads.

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Yes John, I added a probably pleonastic comment exactly because I fear that not only cross staff beams can be an issue, but I’m not sure.