Crossfade not doing anything

I am trying to do simple crossfade between audio parts. Impossible in my Pro 12. See screenshot. While the option “Crossfade (close gaps)” shows available, it does nothing, nor does “X”. I have seen previous threads in this forum, and I am a pretty advanced user, so I don’t understand what is going on - anyone an idea?

These are takes on a track? There it works different.
For cross-fades, you need overlapping audio events. The comping process doesn’t produce overlaps.

Audio parts are no events.
You need to stay with the right terminology to describe what doesn’t work.
But I’m not really sure what you are trying to do.
Your description is vague.

Hi yes they are not overlapping, they are audio events that have been cut (between bars). But when they are moved around, they don’t always transition perfectly, so there are audible clicks produced. All I want to do is create a very short cross fade between event A and B, so that the click disappears. Isn’t that done via Crossfade?

Just to be clear, I am not after comping, just any standard audio track.

The problem, as @st10ss has suggested, is that the screenshot truely looks as a comping attempt…
OTOH, I see a “GUIDE” MIDI part, so I guess that it indeed shows three audio tracks with a MIDI/Instrument one among them, but it’s not really enlightning, as we don’t see any track header…

This to ask, and looking again at your screenshot, what are you actually trying to crossfade ? I don’t see any any event “A” or “B”, and there are no overlapping audio events… Additionaly, check the Snap to 0 crossing feature.

For a cross-fade, they need to overlap on the same track. Otherwise, they use fade in and fade out.
Maybe you are searching for auto-fades?
There is a setting that applies standard fades to events. And you can define how they should look like and how long they should be.

Thanks guys, here another screenshot to avoid confusion - bass part , split into segments. When I move segments around, and repeat bars, in some cases there is a “click” between the transitions. So what I want to do is select a few milliseconds on left and right around the cut and “cross fade” these so the transition is seamless and the click gone. What’s the best way to achieve this?

As many has already said, in order to cross fade between two audio events, they have to overlap. The do not overlap in your screenshots. That would be step #1.

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Read above for the beginning?
I already answered it.

OK I am still puzzled. See attached audio example and screenshot. 2 parts of a bass track put in sequence, direct on the bar. Zero crossing snap on. But as you can hear, in the transition there is a loud click. What I want to is cross fade these 2 parts (over a milliseconds) so that the click is gone.

How is that done?

As already stated by multiple users in the previous posts, cross-fading is achieved by overlapping two or more Audio Events, selecting them, and pressing the “X” key which is the default binding for this.

Just grab either the Event that is on the left or right, hold Ctrl to make sure Snap is disabled, and move it a bit so both overlap. Or, if the Events were already trimmed, which seems to be your case, just grab the lower corner of the Event and extend it so that you create an overlap without displacing the existing audio.

Thank you for the responses - the problem is not resolved by these suggestions. I am not giving up though: see attached zoomed-in waveform: you can clearly see the “click” issue with the interrupted waveform. This is post bouncing parts into one audio segment, to avoid confusion re overlapping/not overlapping parts. There is an audible digital error click in this audio, how can it be removed?

Thank you! Nico
Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 15.13.02

Are you saying that you are unable to cross fade two audio events with the instructions posted above? If not, are you letting the two audio events overlap?

Does not look like any cross fade was applied.

I think this part of the sentence just added to the confusion.

One way, is to use cross fade between the two audio events. Here’s how you can do it:

Are you able to accomplish a cross fade by using the above instructions?

Go for simplicity. Do a Fade Out on one event and a Fade In on the other. For fade out grab the top top right corner of the end of the event and drag to the left. You change the steepness of that fade out using the fade out settings (maybe it is double clicking the fade in the event to open those settings) not got cubase open right now so i cannot give exact instructions. Fade in is done much the same on the start of the next event.

But zoom right in before applying the fades so you do not lose too much audio, with bass it will stop the pesky click.

Do that before joining the events together if that’s what your doing. Or if your placing events end to end.

If your audio is pre-joined then cut it there and apply the two fades.

Nobody @me if i have the instructions slightly wrong, i know how to do it, I’m just not at my computer right now. @OP not @me lol

OK I cut it again, at bar - then did what was suggested, extended the audio parts to overlap each other, as you can see in screenshot. However, while X command is available, it does no action, nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 15.48.55

Just do separate fade in and fade outs. Its easy, it works , but zoom right in and make the fades steep.

It does, here, even with just the last of the two audio events selected. I just have to use the X key…

Just in case : try to relaunch Cubase in safe mode, deactivating the preferences.

Hi update - I followed instructions in a different thread to manually delete entries in default.xml user preferences. That worked, I now have the “X” function working as expected. Cubase Pro 13, MacBook M1.

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Hi , Please explain how to fix for crossfade error because I get this error too . And I did not get any help for that crossfade error .
I currently use Cubase 10 pro on MacOS mojave . On previous day , there is no error but unfortunately , I faced this problem .

So , please re-explain step by step how to fix .

Hi it’s the details I pasted into my post - that worked for me, hope that helps.