Cubas 13 no longer retains my MIDI Remote set

For some reason, since I’ve updated to Cubase 13.0.50, every time I open I have to “re-do” my MIDI remote script. It’s been a non-issue up until this update. I’m on a Mac Studio Pro running Sonoma.

•Visibility is checked in the “Midi Port Setup” under that controller
•Insert Reset Events after record is checked in settings
•Reset on stop is checked in settings

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated!



Does it mean, you have to create the MIDI Remote Device after quitting and restarting Cubase? Do you see the script file stored on the place?

Is your midi remote setup as a script or using the mapping assistant? If you wrote a script for it, it would be useful to attach a screenshot of the ports recognition code segment and one of your midi ports setup in Cubase.

Yes - I have to open the lower pane and re-insert

Have the same issue with cubase 13.050. My MP Midi controller (which works with an imported script) needs te be re added every time i start up cubase. It is very annoying and kills my inspiration and workflow at the same time. :frowning: Please steinberg fix this asap.


Same issues here with MBP M1. After update to 13.0.50 i need to add the surface for my FP8 after each time i start Cubase. Have installed 13.0.41 again. There is no Problem.
Cubase 14 has the same issue.

My FaderPort8 is recognized again

I finally find my issue: There was a typo in my script for the name in expectOutputNameEquals

It looks like that Cubase checks the string more closely with the names of the ports (As I had this typo also in 13.0.41. where it works). In the previous version you could use places holder and assign the correct port names later in Cubase, and these names are remembered. But it seems that this behavior has now changed (perhaps accidentally).

With these settings - as these are the names in Cubase -, my script is loaded complete and then started

_deviceDriver.makeDetectionUnit().detectPortPair(_midiInput, _midiOutput)
.expectInputNameEquals(‘PreSonus FP8 Port 1’)
.expectOutputNameEquals(‘PreSonus FP8 Port 1’)
