Cubase 10.5 Steinberg licencing and Win 11

I purchased Cubase 10 Pro in 2020 along with at the time a high end Windows PC running win 10. I stress that I am not a professional musician and probably use about 30 percent of features of cubase. It suits me just fine and I have no need to upgrade and don’t intend to. The PC still runs fine and will last a few more years. I have two issues.

Firstly regarding Steinbergs plan to move away from e-licensing. I don’t believe my cubase 10.5 is eligible for the new Steinberg licencing system. I have downloaded and installed what I believe is the latest elicenser control centre ( and there is a USB and a soft elicenser showing as available). Immediately after updating the elicenser control centre Steinberg hub in Cubase 10.5 lost internet connectivity and has not returned.

My concern here is 2fold firstly what happens once Steinberg withdraws support for elincesing. Will cubase 10.5 still run? and how do I get the Steinberg hub to resume internet connectivity?

My second issue concerns Win 11. I have been very resistant to upgrade from Win 10 for various reasons but may have no choice if I wish to run cubase 10.5, However I can see no guarantees from Steinberg that this will be so. Steinberg lists 10.5 as not officially compatible… My PC is win 11 ready. I have a number of concerns here. Do I upgrade from Win 10 before Steinberg kills off elicenser support? If I do a clean system install will my usb elicenser be recognised? Will my cherished VST2 plugins still work?
Any help and advice appreciated.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

No, Cubase 10.5 doesn’t work with the new Steinberg licensing system.

Hi, yes, it will, untill your USB-eLicenser is working.

You can find detailed answers here.

This is not related to the licensing system. Make sure, no antivirus or firewall blocks the communication with the Steinberg server.

It doesn’t matter. In any case, I would recommend you not to upgrade. I would recommend you to install a clean system. There are users with lots of troubles after upgrading, solved by installing a fresh system.


If they support Win 11, they will work.

I shared your concerns as I had troubles after upgrading from win 7 to 10 using Cubase 7. So now running Cubase 11 (at least officially supported), I went for a clean new Windows 11 installation and of course a new Cubase 11 installation and I’m happy to see everything working just fine.

From a telephone support contact 5 weeks ago, I got the following info:

-As long as your usb elicenser works You’ll be able to download and reinstall cubase 10 even after the official support for it ends.
-However you will not be able to move Your license to a new USB dongle after May 20th.
-It also makes sense to have it on USB in case you need a clean new Windows installation at some point.

What 's confusing me: He also said “it was possible to upgrade cubase even after May 20th, as long as I have my license registered on my Steinberg”.
Back then even the linked page above changed into mentioning it, but now its gone again.

So to be honest I have some trust issue now with cubase …

And I also don’t understand why they should’nt allow normal Upgrades when they have Your license registered and save while at the same time they allow cross-grades from other DAWs.?.
But I guess thats not your problem when You really stick to Cubase 10.
Just maybe its useful to register on my Steinberg (to keep some options open) and maybe not. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Hope You get the Steinberg Hub running again :raised_fist:

I’m on Cubase 10.5 and really like it; it’s rock solid. I really don’t want to upgrade to the new UI and bugs. But when my dongle breaks in 2031 can I still get a cross grade? or…

It won’t be automated. You will have to contact them to get an exceptional intervention from a human being, similar to as it is now for crossgrades.

I’m afraid you can’t. First of all, it’s an upgrade/update… that’s surely what you meant. And this is not possible anymore after May 20th.

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The OP question has been answered, and there are many topics on this subject.