Cubase 10 artist - Creating slices moves slices out of tempo

Hi there,

When i import a 170 BPM 4 bar drumloop in a 170 BPM project the drumloop is perfectly in sync with the project’s tempo. But when I create slices in that same drumploop with the hitpoint (create slices) function, the new audioloop (with the slices) is turned into a two bar loop (double tempo and slices overlap) automatically. I’ve checked the forum and tutorials online but i don’t see what i’m doing wrong. I don’t want it to change tempo, just create slices …

Kind regards,


Wow, I had this bug yesterday!!

Cubase 12 Pro (1 version before the latest).
Creating slices off a drum resulted in slides out of place.

Am I doing something stupid, or this is known?
Cheers Alex

Can this be reproduced with any of the stock samples that are shipped with Cubase Pro 12? Please tell us the name of such a sample.

I get back to this on monday and check. I am curious too