Cubase 10 plugin Frequency use in Wavelab ?


Is there any way i can use the plugin Frequency in Wavelab ?

I use Freqeuncy on allmost every track (that comes from the samples Halion 6 or Groove Agent 5).
When i want to batch samples with Wavelab, the Frequency plugin from Cubase 10 does not appear.
I would be very very very handy when plugins from Cubase 10 come up into Wavelab.
The Frequency plugin does not appear in Wavelab…



I don’t think there is a way, but the EQ module in MasterRig is pretty much the same as Frequency.

It is interesting, i wanted to use the same presets of my mixtracks in cubase, in wavelab.
But it seems plugins for Cubase 10, are not available in Wavelab 9.5.