Cubase 11 Apple M1 plug in problems

I recently loaded the samples and loops package in Cubase 11. Since then I can’t run ez keys or bass and existing projects won’t open unless I don’t load 3rd party plug ins .
Anyone else have a similar issue , was fine up till then.
PS activation manager isn’t showing any software available also ?

Cubase 11? Really?

Yes as of yesterday , I think it was an update


Ok so I’ve now got the projects to load if I create an empty project then open a project through the menu but don’t enable it . Then enable after loading .
I get a message helicon SE not loaded , however helicon se is working if I open a new menu I’m guessing that the sound is some how not found after I installed the loops and samples package.

My mistake , it seems to just be empty of any activations as I’m using a dongle