Would be possible to have an option to always append or insert newly imported files rather than “overwriting” existing tracks?
The reason is:
Every time I import more than one track at once in Cubase (for example stems) my project gets always in a messy state because the program, after asking if I want to put the files on Separate Tracks, will start adding the new Audio files in the currently selected track and reusing every audio track it encounters (and of course overlapping the events).
I do not see any reason why a user would want to overlap events in the same track so this behavior when importing tracks is kinda weird.
my project has 3 tracks and the second is selected
1 - Existing Audio1
2 - Existing Audio2 → my selection is here
3- Existing Audio3
and I import 4 extra track now the result is
1 - Existing Audio1
2 - Existing Audio2 → overlapping events
3 - Existing Audio3 → overlapping events
4 - New Track 3
5 - New Track 4
( result is 5 tracks instead of 7 because the first 2 imported files overlapped track 2 and 3!)
Afterwards if I drag back the misplaced events at the bottom to create new tracks these will be not named as the file name but will have the default Audio(x) name.
Can we improve this workflow a bit please?