Cubase 11 Setup gear icons, please review UX


I understand that lot of work has been done to try and improve the Cubase user interface but it would be nice visually and meaningfully it this preferences agglomeration buttons would be addressed in a more standard way.


From my point of view, this is correct. All the buttons open the very same menu for the local area. From the most top, these are:

  • Set up Toolbar
  • Set up Status Line
  • Set up Info Line

If you click every single one, you can enable/disable the controls, you want to show/hide in the area. There is no need for unique icons if the buttons have the same function. Please, keep the same icon for one function.

Hello Martin,

I understand your point of view but could they at least be aligned and sized equally across all the areas?
The first one is stretched vertically and is centered, the second has no stretch and is not centered vertically and the third one is aligned to the top.
It would look a lot more pleasant if 3 items that have the same function in the same region of the screen would have more layout consistency.


OK, I agree with this.

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Thank you Martin,
I know I sound a bit like an ass but I am also a tool programmer and when I see strange stuff in the UI… my OCD kills me :smiley:

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