Cubase 12.0.10 Sample Editor Bug

Windows 11, Cubase 12.0.10

  1. Double click the audio file, opening the Sample Editor window. Audio region in Musical Mode
  2. Go to Audio Warp
  3. Select “Free Warp”
  4. Click on the audio, creating a Warp point

What Happens:
The wave representation either partially or fully disappears.

Only undoing it I am able to restore the wave image

And here it is:

Windows 11 can organize opened windows if you rover your mouse over the minimize/maximize button. I don’t really know if it’s the same on Win 10. Never used it.

I played around with it before working with Cubase, just to see what it does.
And THIS is what messed up my Sample Editor.

So, I guess this is a vulnerability to look for when facing similar issues.

I hope this may help some of you.

Regards Alex