Cubase 12.0.60 crashing on startup Win 10

Cubase Pro 12:0:60 has started crashing when I first start it each morning. It hangs just before the links etc show up on the left, it stays white. Once I restart the machine it is fine. Nothing else works but a restart.


Attach the DMP file located in Documents/Steinberg/crash dumps, please.

Cubase 64bit 2023.6.18 (744.7 KB)


This is known Windows issues. Please, enable the WinRT MIDI driver in Studio > Studio Setup >MIDI Ports Setup.

Martin, do you advise to default enabling the WinRT driver, regardless of system crashing? Does it improve stability?


Good question… The fact is, the issue is on Windows side. And for Microsoft this old driver type is just death, they don’t maintain it anymore.

Unfortunately I don’t know exactly, what does trigger the issue. I don’t think it’s a specific MIDI driver. Because anytime I see this issue, there is no something like “I bought a new MIDI controller” in the description. So from this point of view, it could start anytime (it seems).

I’m not aware of any reason, why not to switch to the WinRT (apart from the fact some very old device might not support it; if I remember correctly one user here from the forum had an issue with some old KORG device).

So if I would use Windows, I would switch to WinRT. :wink:

One more update, if you have more than 3 MIDI devices and your computer is not one of the power ones, you should maybe keep your old MIDI driver. WinRT is much more CPU hungry, so you could observe dropouts.

I tried activating WinRT. It didn’t fix the issue, and it really stuffed up my MIDI setup causing me to lose contact with some of my USB midi instruments/modules that use plugins like the OB6 and also randonly moved which IO was used for each module and controller keyboard.
Any other ideas?


If it doesn’t help, attach the latest crash/dmp file (after enabling WinRT), please. Just to check, if the crash is still the same.

I just installed the update to .70, all seems good for now

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Cubase 64bit 2023.6.18 (744.7 KB)

It seems this may have been a known issue as the new version has fixed the issue.
Thanks for your help though.

Cubase 64bit 2023.7.5 (784.9 KB)
well that didn’t last long, it is back to freezing again

Cubase 64bit 2023.7.9 (753.5 KB)
the problem is back

Looks like you need to disable or enable the Wdmaud driver .
Im sure Martin will tell you more

I looked up wmaud driver issues and it says that if two pieces of software are trying to access the driver it can cause issues. I wanted to keep Cubase 11 active on my system, but thought it should probably be uninstalled. I uninstalled it and this morning Cubase 12 didn’t crash. I will try again this evening, we might be there.



Or you can enable WinRT MIDI Driver instead in Cubase 12.

enabling WinRT caused my USB midi hardware synths to lose IO, every time I opened any project, I had to remap them each time. Anyway uninstalling Cubase 11 seems to have fixed things
Thanks again, appreciate your help

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Cubase 64bit 2023.7.12 (1.5 MB)
enabling WinRT allowed me to get a little further, but then Cubase crashed during playback


This crash seems to come from Arturia Solina V2. Please make sure, you have the latest update installed. If this is the case, get in contact with Arturia, please.

Re-installing the Solina fixed the problem for one day strangely Cubase hasn’t generated a crashdump file since the 12th, despite three more crashes
Cubase 64bit 2023.7.12 (1.5 MB)