Cubase 12 and Akai MPK 249 integration

Hi there,

Actually I have a Novation Launchkey 37 MK3 but I’m thinking about changing for the Akai MPK 249.

I know this keyboard is quite old but I wonder if it’s again a good value today. Any advise on this midi keyboard ?

The Cubase 12 midi remote script for the Launchkey is quite good now. Any owner of the MPK 249 could tell me it the integration with Cubase 12 works well too ?
I know the midi script is new so maybe some bugs ?

thank you in advance for your feedback !

i got an akai mpk249 and they work great with cubase pro 12 , i made my own maps and set up just how i like it . I find steinbergs default mpk249 script to be quite limited . Please see attached screen shots of my own set up
cheers !!

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Hello Stone1888 and thanks for your answer !
I just use the default script for my Launchkey but your set up proves that we can really costumize all the parameters.

Do you have any issue with the MPK 249 ?
I read that there were sometimes some reliability issues, especially with the keybed.

Hi @Xion ,

did you bought the MPK249? does it work well on Cubase?

I want buy a midi controller but I’m concerned about how they are integrated with Cubase.



Finally I chose the Keylab Essential MK3 from Arturia. The integration with Cubase is good thanks to the script.

Thanks for the feedback. I’m also thinking to buy the 88 keys version.