Cubase 12 and VST2 support?

Is there something specific in the Apple “silicon” technology that prevents the use of VST2.4 plug-ins ? Beside this, I’ll quote yourself from the Cubase 12 is coming in 2022 thread :

I smell the beginning of a process, and the feeling isn’t good. First, I’m wondering how eventual Cubase users with an M1 based setup will deal with a VSTis set such as mine…

I feel for them and am rather worried about what is planned beyond Cubase 12 for the other ‘categories’ of users : will what is left of the VST 2.4 compatibility remains ? I consider each of my VSTi as an INSTRUMENT, used since several years, have invested a lot of time/money/skills and continue to use each them as regularly as before. Beside this, and for nearly all of them, there are no equivalent available (I’m especially thinking of Alchemy, Emulator X3 and TruePianos, which are no longer maintained but still prefectly working).

Actually, this is much more important for me than any digression about the forthcoming license management changes. So, more precisions about what is planned in the years to come about the VST 2.4 support would be welcomed…

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