Cubase 12 is coming in 2022

Perhaps someone can comment what happens if an internet connection is not possible - e.g. playback on a liveshow where a connection is not possible. I would have thought the either/or approach (USB key OR internet connection) is a more versatile way to do it


I just hope Cubase 12 will finally have some integration with Dorico. They are after all made by the same company :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You can go offline for up to 30 days. So as long as you have been online a couple of days before your gig, you will be good.


So it was all ballshit , you are tied to the internet , you are graciously allowing us to go off line for 30 days , whoopy shite . my machines spend years off line .


Please have a look at the FAQ:
Can I use Steinberg products on systems that are not connected to the internet at all?


the FAQ mentions that they are working on something for machines that are always offline

Can I use Steinberg products on systems that are not connected to the internet at all?

We know that some customers prefer to run their studio machines offline, or that for specific projects it may be required for legal or contractual reasons not to connect to the internet for the duration of the project. To meet these requirements, we will shortly be introducing a process of activating a license for a period of one year, so that the computer can remain disconnected from the internet for that entire period and the software will continue to operate as normal.

Two methods of activating a license offline will be provided, depending on whether the computer can connect to the internet for a short period of time. If you can connect the computer to the internet temporarily at the time of software activation, you will be able to check out a license directly using Steinberg Activation Manager, then disconnect your computer from the internet.

If, on the other hand, you cannot connect your computer to the internet at any time, you will be able to use Steinberg Activation Manager to generate a license request that you can save to a removable storage device (like a USB drive) and take to a computer that is connected to the internet. Using Steinberg Activation Manager on the online computer, you can exchange the license request for a offline-activated license. You then save the license file back to the removable storage device, and return to the offline computer, where you use Steinberg Activation Manager to install the license file.

In both cases, the software will then run for a period of 365 days without requiring an internet connection at any time.

We expect to introduce the ability to activate a license offline as soon as we can after the initial launch.


It’s all in the FAQs.
So in summary: you need to be connected to the internet to obtain your initial activation, and once every 30 days to renew your offline allowance. If your computer is connected to the internet when you launch your software, it will automatically extend your offline allowance period, so that you will almost always have a full 30 day offline allowance period available. However, running your Steinberg software does not require a constant internet connection (unlike, say, iLok Cloud).


6 posts were split to a new topic: Concerns about Steinberg Licensing

I activated my Cubase Pro 11 yesterday. Does the grace period still works ?

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When exactly did you activate it? You can send a PM my way with the USB-eLicenser number for me to check.

Does UAD have VST3 support? Seems like my only problem is potentially not having access to UAD in 12.

Matthias those are all great news (at least for me)! No dongle and native support for M1 it fix 90% of the issues that I have! I have to ask you a big thing hopping that it will be fixed until the release date: when using media bay on right zone, I choose to see my samples and I have various columns like name key, tempo & author (if I’m not wrong). Since I always add new samples to my library I add a new column “data created” or “data modified”. Media bay will always reset those columns after I restart cubase and I always have to do this setup again. Please help! Last but not least can wait to try the new generation of Cubase and wish you good luck with it!

I hope it goes better for Cubase than BFD. :face_with_head_bandage:

And I hope Cubase continues to just refuse to launch if a valid license is not found on the new system.

Thanks! As I just created my account a few minutes ago, I’m not authorize to send you a PM. Can I have a mail or something ?

Thanks, but it’s obvious that if cubase 12 will have m1 support, so will nuendo 12. Since nuendo comes out much later than cubase, will nuendo 11 have m1 native support before version 12?

Slowly scroll through some lengthy threads. Thus the system will think you’re reading, and will very promptly promote you to a higher “trust level”, which will allow you to send personal messages.

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I too would like to ask everyone to start strongly encouraging your favorite 3rd party developers to release VST 3 versions of their software. It’s long overdue!


Steinberg has delivered today in its unique way

The new activation system will offer us all another step above all other DAWs.
Steinberg you have not slept the last years you are unique when it comes to innovations, groundbreaking and not afraid to go new ways.
With the new activation system you have shown that you are not hiding but approaching the customers and do not leave them out in the rain in case of problems.
The new activation system will open up new possibilities for us in productivity, where other DAWs will have to be measured from now on.
The implications of this ingenious move cannot be foreseen today, but it will lead to a new generation of musicians who are accustomed to success.
Steinberg I take my hat off to you and am close to dreaming because of your groundbreaking activation system.
Thank you Steinberg :muscle:


What? Really? There are other sequencers that already run without dongles, I swear.


I agree. Let’s see if there is going to be something really new introduced like built in atmos- as logic 10.7 has done.