Cubase 12 is coming in 2022

Thank you, I appreciate what you’re doing for us
I still use Cubase 10.5 and i have unused update activation code i bought it less than a month ago
Can i use it right now and get the next version 12 for free ?
I’m afraid this ad will be deleted, as happened a week ago! :no_mouth:

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@ANAFREE Here is how it works:


Thank you Matthias :pray:, so that means I can use my activation code without hesitation. You’re not going to change the date?

Well… It’s more or less what I was fearing several months ago when I expressed my concerns, at the time : contrarily to what was suggested then, the USB eLicenser will no longer be maintainable for further Cubase versions, tying all of us a little more to the internet, as if it was needed.

Yes, I know, we use it on a daily basis. The problem is this one : I’ve been able to use 6.5.5 for several years, thanks to the USB eLicenser with no added application to use it. I simply would have liked to be able to do the same, WITHOUT needing to install a new thingy, called SAM (Steinberg Activation Manager) which will probably run in the background, as an additional strain on our systems. Sam, I’m sorry, but you are not welcome… :worried:


No, we are not going to change the date. Go for it.

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In other words, it’s the first mo e towards a subscription service. They implemented so many ideas off Studio Ones look, they’re now looking to follow them into the subscription model

If you are planning to move to a native Apple silicon based system, then you will need to ask Universal Audio to hurry with the VST 3 support of their plug-ins.


How it will work in such a situation:

One user, two user accounts/profiles on Win10 [1 PC].

I’m using two accounts, one for main work, one for personal and non-essential stuff.
For now, I can jump between them and use Cubase on both without any problem (not at the same time, of course). I hope that the new licensing system will let me continue to work this way.


This should work as long as the activation data is in the shared folder.


Thank you for your reply :+1: I mentioned that because it’s not a common situation and sometimes can be omitted by the developer.

With the introduction of the new licensing system, it would be great to eventually be able to store user settings online as well that get synced based on a Profile. That way it will be easy to move to different systems without having to manually copy over files.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Concerns about Steinberg Licensing

If, on the other hand, you cannot connect your computer to the internet at any time, you will be able to use Steinberg Activation Manager to generate a license request that you can save to a removable storage device (like a USB drive) and take to a computer that is connected to the internet. Using Steinberg Activation Manager on the online computer, you can exchange the license request for a offline-activated license. You then save the license file back to the removable storage device, and return to the offline computer, where you use Steinberg Activation Manager to install the license file.

In other words a long convoluted way of …a dongle


29 posts were split to a new topic: Steinberg Licensing & USB eLicenser

A post was merged into an existing topic: Concerns about Steinberg Licensing

A big inconvenience? Once a year having to go online, in order to protect the software you use professionally? I think you need to re-evaluate your priorities…



Why impose a time-limit at all?

And what about my scenario?

Your on a different planet , does that happen now does it , if you transfer you licence from one dongle to another ?? NOooooooo it fully removes the licence from the previous dongle so you still only have the one licence running . If this is not the case then people with C11 could potentially have a very short life span once the servers are turned off

I just moved off of BFD because of a 30-day license check. I don’t like the language of “offline allowance”.

For reference I had updated my BFD to the new (same as Cubase 12) auth scheme, and it shut itself off partway into a project while saving and corrupted the save and the internal BFD work I had done without saving the preset. If Cubase were to do this and ruin its own save and recent backup, and I’m out a days work, that lost time is the cost of a license to another DAW right there.

I think the dongle should be allowed as an alternative to the new license system for users who prefer to use it. If not I’m sure there are many like me who will just move to another DAW.