Cubase 12 Licensing/Activation Issue

At a loss here, I can’t seem to access the Steinberg Activation Manager. Windows 10, no anti-virus or VPN.

Cubase 12 can’t find a license so won’t load. When I try to sign in to the the activation manager, it just loads my web browser (I can login here) but nothing happens with the “Try Again” button.

“To authorize Steinberg Activation Manager, you must allow your browser to open Steinberg Activation Manager. Once authorization is completed, you can close this page and continue working with Steinberg Activation Manager.”

Here are a couple of screenshots. I don’t see a way out of this:

Anything else I can try?

My account email is

What web browser are you using? Have you set strict rules for privacy, third party cookies, or any other stringent security? Depending on your browser you should either temporarily loosen your security settings or “whitelist” the Steinberg site and see if it works then.

As @SF_Green mentioned, I would try changing your default browser to see if there’s something blocking Steinberg Activation Manager being launched.

I’ll try the whitelist & browser, but I’m using Chrome’s default settings. Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll report back.

Did this get solved? I have the same issue