Two computers was the limit in the original Steinberg Licensing announcement. After some users expressed their opinion that two activations was not enough, it was changed to three.
Yes. You have up to three personal systems that can run simultaneously.
is this true - a downgrade ? any new vsts instead ?
"### Due to technical reasons the following plug-ins and technologies have been removed from the product scope
- VST instruments: Mystic, Prologue, Specter, LoopMash are no longer included in the factory content of Cubase."
A post was merged into an existing topic: Cubase Update - eLicenser Issues
Oh man i a bit surprised last night i was kidding with the count down nice… gonna wait until friday to download and install… this just filled my weekend with joy!!!
i just have seen that in the release notes . maybe thats also in the release notes of 11
at the top of the thread the release notes are linked . there it states what ive posted
if seen they are still in the optional downloads in cubase 12 as in 11
Any news on when CC121 controller will be updated to M1 native? It still works in C12 under Rosetta but not under M1 of course.
I might not update to 12 because I have lots of vst2 plugins like serum, lexicon, flux, soundtoys, etc. Why cannot we use that plugins on native apple silicon? I can use vst2 on native logic pro, native ableton live with vst2. Why not on cubase?
I think you’ve been cut off from Swift debit/credit card payments because of all the invading’s Russia has been doing.
Yes, this is the probable reason. Maybe he could try to buy it from a russian online shop
awesome, seems no more Cubase to me then after over 17 years of using it…
Can’t you buy it from a russian online shop?
There’s no update version. Only full version. I’ll probably ask my friends in Netherlands to buy update key for me.
Yes, it is a solution for now.
How do I know everything is OK?
I activated C12 with the SAM and the elicencer control panel shows Cubase 11 (not upgradeable).
I can run both 11 and 12.
In My Products, on Steinberg site, I can select elicenser-based and licensing-based products. C12 disappeared from the elicenser my products page and it appears in licensing-based products page.
Can I rest now and start recording?
Hi Matt
Out of the blue comes today’s release and i cannot find how to upgrade from Cubase 11 Pro to 12 Pro. In my download manager is says download and the words, you must have application. What application? So if that means pro11, ok, but will after that prompt me to pay.
Cannot find the upgrade price anywere.
i assume it is in the region of £85, but all i can find is everything else, but the transition between Pro 11 to pro 12. i am saying all of this as i do not want any problems to go wrong with my computer as i have it running like a drea at the moment.
is it worth it yet, as i see people are having loads of problems at the moment.
All th Best
Heh. The most discussed release in history. Totally worth it!
I like to get on with my music , so i only check in now and then.
I do not watch a pot that never boils lol.
Anyway–How much to upgrade from pro 11 to pro 12 M8.
Yes, it sounds like you’re good to go!