Cubase 12 Pro doesn't output sound when using play/scrub

Hi guys!
A problem I noticed recently. The play/scrub (9) button doesn’t output any sound. Neither the channel’s, nor the Stereo out’s meters move. Cursor moves when in play and moved manually during Scrub, but it doesn’t output any sound.
I have no problem hearing sound when I normally Play audio through Space button or through Transport Panel.
Any ideas what’s happening?

You probably have the Control Room active and have set up in the preferecnes (VST → Control Room) to use the Phones Channel as the Preview Channel.

The audio of the scrub tool gets send to the (Head)Phones section of Control Room.

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Thank you for your reply.
That’s not it unfortunately. Just checked and it was not set up as Preview Channel.

image of my control room settings.

image from studio → control room

Ok. Disabling the Control Room entirely from audio connections seems to fix the issue. I wonder what made me enable it in the first place. Can’t even remember.

Thanks for your help @Johnny_Moneto !

Glad to hear you found a way to work with the tool.

Control Room does have advantages. One of the most prominents ones is the ability to adjust the volume without altering the volume of the project. Another one is switching fast between different monitoring ways, like speakers and headphones. Also quite a few people seem to use the insert effect section for using room corrective plugins or analyzers.

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